PTFE Teflon Rotary Lip Seals
Performance Sealing Inc designs and manufactures a full line of rotary lip sealing solutions for your application. PSI Seal combines material technology and seal design to optimize your sealing performance. PSI Seal material technology uses high performance engineered polymers made from PTFE, Duron® PTFE based compounds, and other polymers, rubber, and metallic materials specified for your application. PSI Seal selection of the right spring energizer design and sealing profile is also critical to optimal sealing system performance. PSI Seal has many designs available to perform in press fit glands and housing shaft glands. Our design process consists of working closely with you to understand the sealing requirements and then applying our design expertise, joint test program to develop the right sealing solution that improves your products sealing performance.
What is PTFE?
With one of the best performance-to-cost ratios on the market, PTFE is one of the most cost-effective fluoropolymers on the market. Fillers improve mechanical strength, stability, and wear resistance while retaining PTFE's chemical and high-temperature capabilities.
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Benefits & Applications
PTFE is an excellent electrical insulator with low friction, wear resistance, & Excellent temperature tolerance. It is FDA certified and food safe, with high chemical resistance and inertness. Because of its stability and durability, as well as its low cost, PTFE is an extremely versatile substance that is employed in a wide range of sectors. Medical devices, food packaging, industrial equipment, automobile parts, electrical insulation, and fluid seals are just a few of the applications for PTFE.
Contact our technical sales staff today to discuss your applications operating, hardware, and commercial conditions and develop the best performing seal solution.
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